Wassup guys,
It's now 8pm here and isaac and myself just chilling online and watching some youtube fights.
Today's training was very productive. I started the morning with TKO style sprints. Fights here are 5 Rounds, 3 Minutes each. So for my morninig run I did 6 - 3min rounds, 15 sec jog, followed by 15 second sprint and alternating from there. Each round is followed by 1 min rest. Getting back into the sprinting mode so I wasn't able to push too hard but it was a good start. Tommorow i will be doing some improvised 3 min drills - burbees, bunny hops, sprints, etc. After the run I did some stretching and shadowboxing followed by 15min or so of pad work. Then over to the heavy bag where i practiced my push kick. The session finished with some kick sparring.
I noticed that the conditioning here is more attrition based - long training hours with not much emphasis on sport specific conditioning drills like sprints and such. The guys here do miles and miles of running, which is good and all, but it definately doesn't hurt to throw in some anaerobic drills too. A fight is largly anaerobic in nature afterall. Here's a good artical to read:
Today i was reflecting on how i would fight someone with a traditional thai style. I think a good method is to try to take them out of their element by doing the "opposite" of what they're doing ( but not so much that you steer too far away from your bread and butter). I notice a lot of fighters try to fight a "thai" tempo (slow methodical pace with many resets after a point scored) and lose. Tyrone Spong after beating Kaoklai noted on this point as well. I think the trick is to fight your game, be yourself. When i spar here, they swing kick, I'll low kick - they throw single punches, i'll throw combinations followed by a low kick, etc. Something TKO taught me was you gotta fight your game. And that's what I'm trying to do. Although, Kru Chris also told me that sometimes you have to fight "their" style to learn new things. I find myself trying to balance my style and theirs.
For those wondering what my typical day here is like here you go :
8:00am 11:00am - Training (Conditioning, Intense stretching, technique and drills on pads, bag work, clinching/ or light sparring (the TKO side of me comes out and i go a lil too hard sometimes..haha)
11:00am -12:30pm - eat, shower, errands, laundary, watever
12:30pm -1:30pm - Internet, read
1:30pm - 4:00pm - Nap
4:00pm - 7:00pm - Training (skipping, lots of shadow boxing, stretching, pads, technique drills, bag, clinching and/or sparring stretching)
7:00pm - 8:00pm - eat, shower, errands, watever
8:00pm - till whenever i feel tired - Internet read, night stretching
Sleep around 10ish
Rinse and repeat!
I'm pretty picky about which trainer trains me and what i do for each training session. I like to mix things up and work on what i think i need improving. Everyone has their own routine.
anyways, till next time
same bat channel, same bat time!
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