18 July 2008

tip, tet, tet, lieu lieu

All i have to say is this is heaven...training, eating, sleeping, all day! and of course riding the scooter wit isaac and almost dieing a few times..haha..not really.

Currently we are at chai yai gym http://www.muaythaicamps.com/

Didn't know what to expect at first, but damn, i'm hooked for sure. The training set-up is pretty standard here,

Light Sparring

Morning session here is earlier than most gym, starting at 8 am. Evening starts at 4. Usually training is about 2.5 hours...and yes, that's training all the way through with not much rest.

The training here is absolutely amazing. The trainers here have produced Lumpinee Champs and such - most of which left recently. Even Clifton Brown trained here for 3 months. I can see why, the main trainer, Kru Yoi, is very knowledgable. He is very hard on you physically and mentally, you must really suck it up and not take things personally to survive. Nothing you do is ever correct, you have to accept that.lol.

It's a run down gym, in a even more run down village. Very little distractions, which is a good thing if you're here seriously for training. My body is killing from this morning's session! Gonna go nap and get ready for the next session soon.

Photos will be up tomorrow so check again. In the mean time watch this

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