07 December 2009

Goodbyes and Temple Tattoos, Thailand

There's something to be said about training along side a teammate for a fight. Whether for a week or a few weeks, there's a sense of camaraderie that you truly feel with the people you train with. It feels like you guys have been through more than you actually have. At Kiatphontip, there are many goodbyes. Every time a teammate that I have connected with departs, there's definitely a feeling of lost.

A good quote for from a recently departed friend:

Experience is not what happens to you.
Experience is what you DO with what happens to you.

In other news, today I'm heading to Wat Ton Nai to get my first temple tattoo. The tattoo is often the first one you get and is called the Gao Yord. It will be drawn and blessed by Ajarn Thoy - http://www.sak-yant.com/?page_id=129

Ajarn will be using the traditional bamboo method for drawing the Sak Yant Gao Yord (9 Spires temple tattoo), during which he will also go into a sutra chanting trance. The geometric shape represents mountain Meru in India. The 9 spires pointing up represents the narrow path towards Nirvana.

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