If you are searching on google for information on how to acquire a complex skill, steer clear of the links at the top of the search engine. You know what I'm talking about.
"Gain 10lbs of muscle in 1 month."
"101 techniques for mind blowing sex."
"10 ways how to gain confidence."

A quick outline of key points:
1. Train 1-2 times a week.
2. No excess reps. Controlled and heavy reps only.
3. Work larger muscles.
4. Intense and short workouts with emphasis on recovery (days, and up to a week of rest).
I won't ruin the rest for you but the above list should get you curious. I do want to quickly add that recovery is such an important aspect of this program. Part way through the program, the rest period can be up to 2 weeks! Be prepared as this system will challenge what you think you already know.
Get you copy at amazon today!
High Intensity Training the Mike Mentzer Way
In the mean time, a few very useful videos below. There are 12 videos in total so go to the youtube page to access the others.
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